Title: Robot Unicorn Attack 2
Maker: Spiritonin Media Games
Publisher: Adult Swim
System: iOS
Cost: Free to Play
Everything Crystal
I still don’t fully understand why Adult Swim is publishing video games. It’s cool, and I get that their target audience crosses over, but whenever I see it I’m always surprised that resources go to game publishing. I remember the previews for the first RUA: neon colors, intentionally ridiculous music, and still I never picked it up. But on a whim I decided to download the sequel. It’s a simple game but they make the smart decision to expand it by allowing you to unlock different play-styles as the game progresses. Graphically, it’s a combination of the minutely beautiful and broad ugliness, which really is very “Adult Swim”. For a free to play its genuinely fun, even if another endless runner is redundant by this point in time.
Rating: 3 Stars (Out of 5)
Memory: The theme song, of course