Perhaps for the best?

Ys 2 has been slow going as of late. The game is much longer than the first, but requires no less hacking, slashing, and backtracking. It seems to be moving into the final stages as the level-cap has almost been reached and more and more important monsters are killed.

I read an article about tactics ogre. It was almost painful to read about the game. I know I want to play it again but the thought of it is so daunting at the moment it’s almost nauseating, because I know if I do I will go for finishing the game without a single character being knocked out.

Here’s the article that sparked it:

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Owen is a writer based out of Denver and currently preparing his first novel PUSH PULL for publication. In the meantime, feel free to explore his meandering thoughts, movie and videogame op-eds and situational playlists. If you know him from another life, this is a chance for exposure to his creative endeavors.