I’ve been marching through the campaign of The Line. And I can see why the game hasn’t sold really well. Compared with a game like Max Payne 3 it just lacks a lot of that polish. But who can blame them. The credits after Max Payne were ridiculous. There must have been a thousand people credited.
But perhaps it’s only a promise of what could be, but there is something to it. It doesn’t really escape this demi-god fantasy where you literally kill hundreds of people, and that’s the big flaw as I can see it. Granted you’re a Delta operative, but you’re still just a man.
The story is cool enough that it propels you forward long after I would have normally stopped playing. The next evolution of this, as I see it, is a game where you can only take lives rarely, not only because of the moral implications, but because the physical fatigue and cleverness of other humans wouldn’t allow it.