I just finished…

I just finished Max Payne 3, the credits and the Health song are playing as we speak.  I realized about half way through that I was playing the game all wrong.  I set the difficulty to hard.  All that did was make it a grind.  I only realized once I replayed levels on normal how fun the actual game can be.  It wasn’t a game made for picking your way slowly across each set piece, hiding every second and using cover.  But that’s how I had to play it.  And its clear now, the enjoyment of this game wasn’t made to come from the challenge.

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Owen is a writer based out of Denver and currently preparing his first novel PUSH PULL for publication. In the meantime, feel free to explore his meandering thoughts, movie and videogame op-eds and situational playlists. If you know him from another life, this is a chance for exposure to his creative endeavors. www.owensader.com